Although losing favor thanks to ever-tightening EPA rules and regulations, when permitted, a wet wash is still a great way to clean your aircraft’s exterior from the rigors of flight.

Using only OEM approved soaps (sorry no dish soap here), the exterior is first prepared to protect sensitive areas from water ingestion. This means static ports are covered and composite surfaces are identified to ensure minimal pressure is applied to your aircraft. Only then is the exterior cleaned from top to bottom using soft bristle brushes to agitate built up dirt and oils before the entire surface is hand wiped leaving behind a clean exterior that’s free of water spots.

NOTE: Wet washing is limited at many of our locations due to EPA regulations and airport restrictions. For those airports that do not allow wet washing, we are still able to perform a dry wash in place; however, for the most up to date listing of which airports allow Wet Washing, we encourage you to contact us.